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In The Walled Garden

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Prayer 3

Lord God, Praise be to Your Holy Name; Your presence lifts my soul.  When I am down and dejected I come to Your throne room in humble submission and prostrate before you.  But rather than taking my worship and rejecting me; You like a tender Father bend down to me and lift my eyes to You; the warmth of your gaze ignites my soul, burning away all that is not of You.  The more I seek Your presence the more of my flesh nature is consumed; You use the ashes of my past as the mortar of Your work.  Thank you Lord for finding value in me, thank you for removing the darkness that consumed my peace, joy and hope.  Your Light has washed me, filled me and restored me.  Your call pierced the darkness of my heart when it was about to cease.  Your voice cleared away the fog of my mind as I was about to plunge into the abyss.  You are the path of my salvation, the bridge of my hope, and the sanctuary of my peace.  Amen.

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