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In The Walled Garden

Friday, July 8, 2016

Prayer 5

Prayer 5.  

My Lord God, Gardner of my soul.  I was a wilted sapling clinging to my crack of despair, withering from the heat of the hate of this world and of myself.  No more was there water in this rocky wasteland, no more did the ground provide its nourishment. Then You took notice of me, when I was about to release my grip on the world.  You God saw me in my weakness, a root of no value, and with tender care and the tools of Your affection dug me out of that crag.  You carried me to a place of good soil and told my roots to spread out and dig deep.  You provided Your living water and fed me with the nourishment of Your love. Now my stem has been strengthened and my boughs reach towards Your presence. I am again green with new life and the buds of Your work are in bloom.  Guide my fruit to ripeness and remove the pests and vermin of my past from my limbs.  My fruit is yours and for all you wish to partake of it.  I am a tree of Your salvation, allow my leaves to always rustle with the wind of your righteousness.  Amen.

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